Goya Classes

2017, Royal College of Art, London, UK

Goya Classes was a collaboration with the performer Caterina Gobbi. It took place in my studio, where I worked for about 4 months on the walls, with pencil, markers and oil painting. Caterina was wearing a bathing suit and blue wig. She declaimed a selection of letters that Goya wrote to Martin Zapater. Letters about love, painting and money. Touching the sensitive strings that support the relationship between an artist and patron.

September, 1790
... -Do not make fun, you shitty long nose... I’m going to see the preparation of the canvas for your portrait. I shall not live until I execute it.-
installation view
Caterina Gobbi during the performance
wall drawing
Goya Classes, oil on linen and on the wall, 40×30 cm, 2017
wall drawing
installation view