Degree show, Royal College of Art 2018, London, Uk
I definitely used and abused distance is project about disappearing landscape. The research started in London where the skyline is endless changing. In these days, the next to free the scene are brutalism architecture and garden council house. I visited these places to chose some architectural details to print 1:1 on d-bond. The goal was creating an entire panorama that are going to fall apart under the drawing of a golden curtain. Alongside, pieces of interior wall as contemporary ruins are recreate. This is the inner part, tender, intimate and fragile. Meanwhile The golden drawing traces a glorious end, the sculpture’s materials are revealing themselves and showing is density or porosity as well as the possible reactions to external phenomenon.
installation viewI definitely used and abused distance (brutalism), ink on dibond, 120×120 cm, 2018detailsI definitely used and abused distance (ping pong table), ink on dibond, 120×120 cm, 2018detailI definitely used and abused distance (S), ink on dibond, 80×60 cm, 2018installation viewI definitely used and abused distance (pink and velvet), wallpaper and acrylic on plasterboard, 21x 17×7 cm, 2018I definitely used and abused distance (bird and flowers), wallpaper and acrylic on plasterboard, 10x 8x 9 cm, 2018I definitely used and abused distance, (side B), wallpaper and acrylic on plasterboard, 21x 17×7 cm, 2018I definitely used and abused distance, (side A), wallpaper and acrylic on plasterboard, 21x 17×7 cm, 2018